Exodus® Web3 Wallet** | Exodus Browser Extension

Exodus® Web3 Wallet is an extension for popular web browsers such as Chrome and Firefox. It integrates with the Exodus platform, offering users a way to manage their

How to Log Into Your Exodus Wallet: A Complete Guide


Exodus Wallet is a versatile, user-friendly cryptocurrency wallet available on desktop and mobile devices, supporting over 200 cryptocurrencies. Whether you’re a first-time user or a seasoned crypto enthusiast, this guide will walk you through the steps to log into Exodus Wallet, resolve common login issues, and provide essential security tips to keep your assets safe.

Step-by-Step Guide to Logging into Exodus Wallet

For Desktop Users:

  1. Download and Install Exodus Wallet
    • If you haven’t already installed Exodus, go to the official Exodus website and download the wallet for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux). Ensure you download the app from the official website to avoid security risks.
  2. Open Exodus Wallet
    • After installation, open the Exodus Wallet application.
  3. Enter Your Password
    • If you have set up a password when creating your Exodus Wallet, you will be prompted to enter it. This password ensures the security of your wallet, preventing unauthorized access.
  4. Access Your Wallet
    • Once you’ve entered your password correctly, you’ll have full access to your wallet, including your portfolio, transactions, and the ability to send, receive, and exchange cryptocurrencies.

For Mobile Users (iOS and Android):

  1. Download the Exodus Wallet App
    • Go to the App Store (iOS) or Google Play Store (Android) and download the official Exodus app. Make sure it is the legitimate app by verifying the developer and checking reviews.
  2. Launch the App
    • Open the Exodus app on your mobile device.
  3. Restore or Enter Password
    • If you’re a returning user, enter your wallet password if you’ve set one. If this is your first time using Exodus on this device, you can restore your wallet using your 12-word recovery phrase (covered later in this guide).
  4. Access Your Wallet
    • Once logged in, you’ll be directed to the app’s dashboard where you can view balances, make transactions, and access all other wallet features.

How to Restore Your Exodus Wallet

If you’re setting up Exodus on a new device or have lost access to your existing wallet, you can restore it using your 12-word recovery phrase. This phrase is the master key to your Exodus wallet, allowing you to recover your assets on any device.

Steps to Restore Your Wallet:

  1. Open Exodus and Choose "Restore Wallet"
    • On the login screen, select the "Restore from Backup" option.
  2. Enter Your 12-Word Recovery Phrase
    • Input your recovery phrase exactly as it was given to you when you first created the wallet. Each word must be entered in the correct order to restore your wallet successfully.
  3. Set a New Password
    • After restoring the wallet, you’ll be prompted to set a new password. This is for securing future access to your wallet on that device.
  4. Access Your Restored Wallet
    • Once your wallet is restored, all your assets and transaction history will be synced, allowing you to resume managing your portfolio.

Troubleshooting Exodus Wallet Login Issues

  1. Forgotten Password
    • If you’ve forgotten your Exodus wallet password, you cannot reset it directly. However, you can restore your wallet by using your 12-word recovery phrase. This will allow you to set a new password.
  2. Incorrect Recovery Phrase
    • Double-check that you’re entering the recovery phrase correctly. If just one word is incorrect or out of order, the wallet won’t restore. If you’ve lost your recovery phrase, there is, unfortunately, no way to recover your wallet or funds.
  3. Exodus Wallet Not Loading
    • If your Exodus Wallet isn’t opening or is freezing, ensure that the software is updated to the latest version. You can also try restarting your device or reinstalling the application. For mobile users, ensure the app is updated through the App Store or Google Play.
  4. Syncing Issues
    • If your wallet isn’t showing the correct balances or recent transactions, it could be a syncing issue with the blockchain. You can manually refresh the wallet or restart the application to attempt a sync.
  5. Slow Performance on Older Devices
    • Exodus may perform slower on older devices or if there are too many open applications running. Try closing unnecessary apps or consider upgrading your hardware if issues persist.

Security Tips for Your Exodus Wallet

  1. Backup Your 12-Word Recovery Phrase
    • Your 12-word recovery phrase is the key to your wallet. Write it down and store it in a secure offline location, such as a safe or a dedicated recovery phrase storage device. Never share your recovery phrase with anyone, and avoid storing it digitally where it could be hacked.
  2. Use a Strong Password
    • When setting your wallet password, make sure it’s strong, unique, and not used for other accounts. Use a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters.
  3. Enable Backup Features
    • Exodus Wallet allows users to enable auto-backup, which can store encrypted backups on your device. Ensure this feature is activated so that your wallet data is safely backed up in case of any device issues.
  4. Beware of Phishing Attacks
    • Always ensure you are on the official Exodus website or app before entering your login details. Phishing scams are common, where attackers create fake websites or applications to steal your credentials and funds.
  5. Update Regularly
    • Exodus frequently releases updates to improve security and add features. Always keep your wallet up to date to ensure you have the latest protection against vulnerabilities.
  6. Use Hardware Wallet Integration
    • For additional security, Exodus supports integration with hardware wallets like the Ledger Nano. This allows you to store your private keys on a separate, offline device, adding an extra layer of protection against cyber threats.
  7. Avoid Public Wi-Fi
    • Don’t log into your Exodus Wallet using public or unsecured Wi-Fi networks. If you must access your wallet on public Wi-Fi, consider using a VPN (Virtual Private Network) to secure your connection.
  8. Enable Biometric Authentication (Mobile Users)
    • Exodus allows mobile users to enable biometric authentication (fingerprint or Face ID). This adds an extra layer of protection, ensuring that even if someone accesses your device, they cannot easily access your wallet.


Exodus Wallet offers a simple and secure way to manage your cryptocurrencies, whether you're on desktop or mobile. Logging into Exodus is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to follow best security practices like using a strong password, enabling two-factor authentication, and keeping your recovery phrase safe. By taking these precautions, you can ensure your assets remain secure while using Exodus to manage your digital wealth.